The first chapter (1 of 3) of "Lanterna" will be on the vault shortly (pending approval). I decided to go back to my original idea of 3 longer chapters instead of 6 shorter chapters. So I have combined the smaller 1 and 2 chapters into one and am calling it "chapter 1" (confusing, I know). It should run about 3-6 hours depending on how much exploring you do and side quest you complete. A number of areas and encounters will be missed if you do not explore. The only hints (map pins) are for where the exits are located. I am working on a complete walkthrough with spoilers for those who would like to see what they may have missed. If you do get a chance to play, please leave feedback on how to improve the chapter and any bugs. I'll start on chapter 2 shortly; after finishing my holloween submission for BouncyRock.