First Ascent of "Closer" IC, AZ

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Chronicles of Charnia - possible companions

I started working on some potential companions and their background stories. I will probably allow two companions to start with and maybe one more later on. Even if you do not pick up a companion, they may still appear later on in the story doing their own thing. Here are a few that will be encountered very early on in the first chapter (no names just yet):
  1. Bear (male barbarian) - Lived most of his life with the belief that he is one of the few talking beasts still living. He has longed to return to the Charnia region, to see if the rumors of talking beast in hiding are true.
  2. Badger (male rogue) - A valiant, brave, little creature who thinks he is a great fighter, but is really a better rogue. Highly intelligent, devote follower of Elos (talking beast never change), believed to be one of the few surviving talking beasts. Good at not being seen, opening locks, traps, etc. Very skilled with a small bow made for him by the Wood Elves.
  3. Dwarf (male fighter) - Until recently, he had given up hope of finding any survivors of his lost clan. He was captured and escaped during the Great Wars.
  4. Halfling (male cleric) - basically your Mr. Know-it-all. Well versed in the Deep Magic of Elos. Always willing to interrupt others conversations with solutions to their problems.
  5. Elf (female sorcerer) - not sure about her background just yet.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome...



Unknown said...

Ideas so far sound great I would say. I must admit I have not read the Narnia books and stuff so I don't know but at least one human should be in there cause they are the biggest race in every setting I have seen so far. If that is different in Charnia, that would be alright.
I would be interested in how you plan to equip a badger with a bow, I love the idea of a badger rogue companion, though. I just hope you can execute your ideas.

As for the elven sorceror lady, how about making her the only "serious" character... You got all these poor chaps... talking beasts not knowing about their fellows, the dwarf lost and alone, a halfling that really is as annoying as a gnome... How about one of them characters that really(!) know what's going on? But with this beautiful but reclusive lady, getting those informations out of her would be hard and require a lot of good roleplaying.

Just my 42 cents


PS: Oh, on a more general note, I only found your blog by chance. You may advertise it a little more to people actually know it exists without anyone blaming you for bragging, I think.

slowdive_fan said...

Yeah, I'll have a few human companion options as well. I'd like to narrow the options down to the most interesting 6. The "serious" elf sounds like that could be fun. The badger will probably take some custom content, I'm hoping someone in the community will help me out (I posted for help in the CC forum).